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Free Mileage Logs

Free Mileage Logs allows you to track your vehicle's mileage online for free, making reporting all your business miles tax deduction, easy as pie.

Just input your starting and ending miles each time you take a trip and it's recorded!

You can do this from a computer or even from your hand held device or smartphone. You can view a full report of your miles by vehicle for the day, week, month, year, or for all time just by logging in and going to the mileage log reporting page.

What is Free Mileage Logs?

Gas prices are growing out of control, and our dependence on fossil fuels is still firmly rooted. It's important for anyone, especially those who drive as part of their work, to save money wherever possible.

An often overlooked opportunity to save on fuel cost is through simple tax deductions. You can list all the miles you travel for business purposes as a tax deduction at year end, where each mile has a monetary value set by the IRS (Internal Revenue Service). If you've got a lot of miles, that can add up to hundreds of dollars in savings.

Updated 2015 Milage Rates

The updated mile to deduction value rates for 2015 are as follows:

  • 57.5 cents per mile for business miles driven
  • 23 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes
  • 14 cents per mile driven in service of charitable organizations
Visit the IRS site to learn more

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